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So far Admin has created 25 blog entries.

Academic Success In Teens Is Equal To Their Ability To See The Future

Jason, 14 is like most male adolescents.  He is into video games, hockey, and, of course, hanging with his friends.  If you ask him the classic question adults love to ask teens, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Jason will reply, “I don’t know—maybe a lawyer or an engineer.” Like many of his peers, Jason [...]

2020-02-17T16:08:06-07:00February 17th, 2020|Categories: Teens|Comments Off on Academic Success In Teens Is Equal To Their Ability To See The Future

Five Ways To Argue Constructively With Your Partner

The divorce rate nationally hovers at around fifty percent but it is several percentage points higher in Maricopa County, according to census figures.  I believe divorce is a national tragedy, as it is terribly stressful and often expensive for the involved adults, quite sad for the parents of the couple, and absolutely traumatic for the children.  A major reason [...]

2020-02-17T16:12:16-07:00February 17th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Five Ways To Argue Constructively With Your Partner

Why I Feel Badly for the Young Adults Involved in the College Admissions Scandal

This scandal hits many folk’s “hot button”:  The rich keep getting richer; the discrepancy between the haves and the have-nots continues to deepen; the law is applied differently to the super rich; and, of course, the blatant unfairness that a deserving student will be supplanted by someone who bribed their way in.  I get it. I submit, though, that [...]

2020-02-17T21:42:42-07:00November 1st, 2019|Categories: Children, College, Education, Student, Teens|Comments Off on Why I Feel Badly for the Young Adults Involved in the College Admissions Scandal

Must You Feel Like It to Do It?

A parent tells their young child to brush their teeth.  The child responds, “I don’t want to; I don’t feel like it.” It is perfectly normal for children to believe that they must be in a certain mood state (feel like it) to do something.  Most parents, though, tell their child that they are sorry that they don’t feel [...]

2020-02-17T20:22:49-07:00June 17th, 2018|Categories: Children, Education, Family, Mental Health|Comments Off on Must You Feel Like It to Do It?

Five Reasons Why Second Marriages Fail at a High Rate

For some time the divorce rate in the USA for first marriages has held at about 50%.  This is a national tragedy.  This statistic also means that many people have subsequent marriages. Common sense suggests that someone who remarries is older, wiser, more mature, has learned from their mistakes, and knows better what they want and need in a [...]

2020-02-18T15:53:15-07:00May 18th, 2018|Categories: Adult, Couples, Family, Marriage|Comments Off on Five Reasons Why Second Marriages Fail at a High Rate

Nine Mistakes Parents Continue To Make Over My 40 Years In Practice

I have been working with children and their parents for 40 years.  I began my career as a staff member for a boys’ home in the late 1960’s, taught “emotionally handicapped” teens in 1971 and 1972, served as a school psychologist for the Scottsdale (Arizona) School District from 1973 to 1979, and have since conducted a private clinical psychology [...]

2020-02-17T20:10:26-07:00February 17th, 2018|Categories: Children, Family, Mental Health, Teens|Comments Off on Nine Mistakes Parents Continue To Make Over My 40 Years In Practice

Training Parents to Parent: A Five-Way Win for Schools

Schools today are required to provide more services than ever before.  For example, many schools across the nation offer a free hot breakfast and lunch to students.  Some schools serve as a community mental health center and some even supply medical services to the neighborhood. One service I believe schools can and should provide is parenting training.  Most parents [...]

2020-02-19T20:42:39-07:00July 19th, 2017|Categories: Education, Family, Parenting|Comments Off on Training Parents to Parent: A Five-Way Win for Schools

Are We Really More Communicative?

The amount of on-going communication today is staggering. With email, the cell phone, texting, and social networking etc., the number of messages sent each day today is probably more than 100 times the number of messages sent per day compared to 20 years ago.  With all this additional communication, are we as a society any better off? I don’t [...]

2020-02-18T17:25:00-07:00October 18th, 2016|Categories: Children, Couples, Family, Mental Health, Student, Teens|Comments Off on Are We Really More Communicative?

Tips On Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is the second most common form of mental health disorder, next to depression.  In many cases, though, depressed individuals also struggle with anxiety and many anxious people frequently feel depressed.  Upwards of 20 million persons in the US regularly deal with anxiety, it has been estimated. Anxiety often is described as a feeling of tension and/or fear.  Some [...]

2020-02-17T19:50:25-07:00October 1st, 2015|Categories: Education, Family, Mental Health|Comments Off on Tips On Managing Anxiety

Why You Cannot Afford To Practice Without An Office Assistant

For the past twenty years when I present to mental health providers on how to develop, manage, and market a private practice I always ask members of the audience to raise their hand if they practice without an assistant.  Depending on the group and location, typically half or even more of the providers acknowledge practicing solo When I question [...]

2020-02-19T20:36:03-07:00September 21st, 2015|Categories: Adult, Education, Mental Health|Comments Off on Why You Cannot Afford To Practice Without An Office Assistant