Addressing the Child’s Inappropriate Behavior: A Paradigm Shift

Larry F. Waldman, PhD, ABPP Clinical, Forensic Psychologist When I began counseling parents in the early 70’s, then as a school psychologist, it was often necessary to warn of the harmful effects of spanking and/or paddling as a common discipline method. Today, the pendulum has swung to the other extreme, as parents are not effectively addressing their children’s inappropriate [...]

2022-02-18T11:17:37-07:00February 18th, 2022|Categories: Adult, Education, Mental Health|Comments Off on Addressing the Child’s Inappropriate Behavior: A Paradigm Shift

Nine Reasons Weight Lifters Should Engage in Yoga

By Larry F. Waldman, PhD, ABPP Psychologist, Trainer   Resistance training (weight lifting) is far more popular than yoga. It is rare, especially among men, to find people who do both. Having spent thousands of hours in the gym for the past 50 years and a hundred hours on a yoga mat this past decade, it is unfortunately clear [...]

2022-01-26T19:51:22-07:00January 26th, 2022|Categories: Adult, Education, Mental Health|Comments Off on Nine Reasons Weight Lifters Should Engage in Yoga

Let Grandma Do it First

A major revelation to me from the current virus is the sad state of our digital system. Because many of us are house-bound, we are using the Internet more often for information, entertainment and socialization. Presumably due to this significantly increased demand, I regularly experience sites that don’t work, buttons that don’t function, pages that freeze or disappear, and [...]

2020-07-09T21:28:31-07:00April 25th, 2020|Categories: Adult, Education, Mental Health|Comments Off on Let Grandma Do it First

Five Sure Ways to Raise a Responsible Child

As an experienced clinical child psychologist, I believe the ultimate goal of any parent is to rear an independent and responsible child. While at first glance this may appear obvious, if we observe most parents in action on a day-to-day basis, it becomes evident that many parents have no idea how to achieve this objective. Most parents never take [...]

2020-02-22T18:19:35-07:00February 22nd, 2020|Categories: Children, Education, Family, Mental Health|Comments Off on Five Sure Ways to Raise a Responsible Child

Training Parents to Parent: A Five-Way Win for Schools

Schools today are required to provide more services than ever before.  For example, many schools across the nation offer a free hot breakfast and lunch to students.  Some schools serve as a community mental health center and some even supply medical services to the neighborhood. One service I believe schools can and should provide is parenting training.  Most parents [...]

2020-02-19T22:13:16-07:00February 17th, 2020|Categories: Education, Mental Health, Teens|Comments Off on Training Parents to Parent: A Five-Way Win for Schools

Making Your Parent-Teacher Conference More Effective

The parent-teacher conference can be an efficient tool to communicate with your child’s teacher.  Below are a few tips on how to make that meeting more productive: 1)  Show up:  My wife, now retired from teaching fourth grade for 28 years, often said that the parents with whom she most needed to talk rarely scheduled a conference. Children perform [...]

2020-02-17T17:56:00-07:00February 17th, 2020|Categories: Education, Family, Mental Health, Teens|Comments Off on Making Your Parent-Teacher Conference More Effective

Why I Feel Badly for the Young Adults Involved in the College Admissions Scandal

This scandal hits many folk’s “hot button”:  The rich keep getting richer; the discrepancy between the haves and the have-nots continues to deepen; the law is applied differently to the super rich; and, of course, the blatant unfairness that a deserving student will be supplanted by someone who bribed their way in.  I get it. I submit, though, that [...]

2020-02-17T21:42:42-07:00November 1st, 2019|Categories: Children, College, Education, Student, Teens|Comments Off on Why I Feel Badly for the Young Adults Involved in the College Admissions Scandal

Must You Feel Like It to Do It?

A parent tells their young child to brush their teeth.  The child responds, “I don’t want to; I don’t feel like it.” It is perfectly normal for children to believe that they must be in a certain mood state (feel like it) to do something.  Most parents, though, tell their child that they are sorry that they don’t feel [...]

2020-02-17T20:22:49-07:00June 17th, 2018|Categories: Children, Education, Family, Mental Health|Comments Off on Must You Feel Like It to Do It?

Training Parents to Parent: A Five-Way Win for Schools

Schools today are required to provide more services than ever before.  For example, many schools across the nation offer a free hot breakfast and lunch to students.  Some schools serve as a community mental health center and some even supply medical services to the neighborhood. One service I believe schools can and should provide is parenting training.  Most parents [...]

2020-02-19T20:42:39-07:00July 19th, 2017|Categories: Education, Family, Parenting|Comments Off on Training Parents to Parent: A Five-Way Win for Schools

Tips On Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is the second most common form of mental health disorder, next to depression.  In many cases, though, depressed individuals also struggle with anxiety and many anxious people frequently feel depressed.  Upwards of 20 million persons in the US regularly deal with anxiety, it has been estimated. Anxiety often is described as a feeling of tension and/or fear.  Some [...]

2020-02-17T19:50:25-07:00October 1st, 2015|Categories: Education, Family, Mental Health|Comments Off on Tips On Managing Anxiety