Internet Scams: The Perfect Crime

By: Larry F. Waldman, PhD, ABPP Psychologist You’re walking down the street and someone confronts you, demands your wallet or purse or face physical harm—or, as you are about to get into your car, you are carjacked. Both of these experiences are scary, frightening, traumatic and terribly inconvenient. On the other hand, your identity is stolen electronically and your [...]

2024-08-20T10:10:50-07:00April 21st, 2024|Categories: College, Couples, Family, Marriage, Mental Health|Comments Off on Internet Scams: The Perfect Crime

Seven Reasons Why We Fail To Achieve Our Life Goals

Despite our dreams many of us fail to achieve our life ambitions.  Many of my clients talk about starting a business, becoming financially independent, writing a novel, traveling, furthering their education, getting physically fit, or becoming a nurse, teacher, or lawyer. Most of the time their objectives go unfulfilled.  Oliver Wendell Holmes said: “Most people go to their graves [...]

2020-02-19T22:11:29-07:00February 18th, 2020|Categories: College, Family, Marriage, Student|Comments Off on Seven Reasons Why We Fail To Achieve Our Life Goals

Why I Feel Badly for the Young Adults Involved in the College Admissions Scandal

This scandal hits many folk’s “hot button”:  The rich keep getting richer; the discrepancy between the haves and the have-nots continues to deepen; the law is applied differently to the super rich; and, of course, the blatant unfairness that a deserving student will be supplanted by someone who bribed their way in.  I get it. I submit, though, that [...]

2020-02-17T21:42:42-07:00November 1st, 2019|Categories: Children, College, Education, Student, Teens|Comments Off on Why I Feel Badly for the Young Adults Involved in the College Admissions Scandal