By: Larry F. Waldman, PhD, ABPP

During my tenure in family law for over two decades I often encountered the heart-wrenching spectacle of children entangled in their parents’ bitter divorce. Parents wielding their offspring as pawns in their battles with their ex was distressing and tragically common. These children suddenly found their world turned upside down. The cherished image of their loving family unit was shattered, replaced by mistrust, confusion, turmoil and rule changes.

Today, parallels can be drawn between the distress of these children and the disillusionment felt by many American citizens amidst the current political landscape. Politicians, much like warring parents, engage in vicious attacks and character assassinations, diverting attention from substantive issues and fueling divisiveness. Rather than serving the interests of the people, they prioritize personal agendas, leaving constituents feeling betrayed and marginalized.

Moreover, the erosion of judicial impartiality only compounds the disillusionment. Judges entrusted with upholding the law are increasingly swayed by partisan biases, undermining the integrity of the legal system. Even the highest court, the Supreme Court, faces scrutiny with reports of justices succumbing to influence and corruption.
The inconsistency of laws across states further exacerbates the sense of chaos and confusion: Contentious issues such as abortion and marijuana legalization highlight the stark disparities in legislation, leaving citizens questioning the fairness and coherence of the overall legal framework.

Many Americans feel powerless and overwhelmed, seeking refuge from the relentless barrage of political strife. Yet, there remains a collective yearning for a return to civility and cooperation. Just as children caught in the midst of their parents’ battles long for stability and harmony, citizens yearn for leaders