Dr. Larry Waldman on
Coping With Your Adolescent – with Dr Larry Waldman

Dr. Larry Waldman on
122. Non-Traditional Methods of Marketing a Private Practice with
In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we’re going to talk about non-traditional ways to market a private practice.
Living in these modern times, I think we sometimes forget about the tried and true methods that can be used to build a business.
Often we turn to our computers and social media feeds and think “this is how I’m supposed to market my private practice.”
The problem is that in order to build a successful private practice, you may need to think outside of the box.
Clients won’t just show up unless you go out and look for them. They need to know you exist!
So what are some creative ways to increase your visibility, share your expertise, and attract more of your ideal clients?
Our guest, Dr. Larry Waldman is on the show today to share some of the creative ways he marketed a successful private practice – one he had for over 45 years!
Dr. Larry is a psychologist, professor, speaker, and author who is passionate about helping private practice owners think outside the box and market their practices in creative and exciting ways.
In This Episode, You’ll Learn:
- Questions to ask yourself before you begin marketing your practice
- The difference between a niche and your ideal client
- How to look for opportunities to get in front of your ideal clients
- The importance of relationship building and the impact it can have on your referrals
- How to use current events and media to reach more clients
- Creative ways to get in front of your audience
- Other ideas for non-traditional marketing for your private practice
Links mentioned in this episode:
Dr. Larry Waldman on
Stepfamily Insights! Dating, Marriage and Relationship Advice
September 28 2022
Dr. Waldman is a recently semi-retired licensed clinical, forensic psychologist in Phoenix, Arizona. He conducted a highly successful private practice of 45 years working with children, teens, parents, couples, and adults in a solution-focused manner. He also consulted with family, personal injury, immigration and estate planning attorneys. Check out his website at

His most recent book is Love Your Child More Than You Hate Your Ex What Every Divorced Parent Needs to Know.…
Dr. Larry Waldman on Discipline, Behavior, and Communication
April 22, 2022
Dr. Waldman is a recently semi-retired certified school psychologist and licensed clinical, forensic psychologist in Phoenix, Arizona. He conducted a highly successful private practice of 45 years working with children, teens, parents, couples, and adults in a solution-focused manner. Check out his website at
His most recent book is Love Your Child More Than You Hate Your Ex What Every Divorced Parent Needs to Know.…

Your host Townsend Russell, founder of 100% Dad, travels America in his custom Rv with his family of 3 boys and wife of 15 years Rhyan. Retired at age 33 after selling his businesses he choose the path that was the most uncommon. Instead of doubling down and feeding his ambition and ego by starting another business and making more money, he simply stepped back and doubled down on the family. Spending every single day with his wife and kids exploring the country.
Follow those adventures on Instagram and TikTok at @100dad See what we are up to on the website
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Dealing With Second Marriages / Dr. Larry Waldman / Stephanie Dobson
January 21, 2022
Interview Video Series – Healthy, Thriving Family After Divorce Dr. Larry Waldman talks with Stephanie Dobson about the challenges that face 2nd and subsequent marriages, then focuses on helping separated spouses to determine when to re-partner, how to create a solid foundation on which to build that next relationship, and how to successfully integrate children into the next chapter of your life. Contributor: Dr. Larry Waldman –
Host: Stephanie Dobson (Founder/CEO Up A Notch Learning: and Alberta/Saskatchewan Canada Lawyer/Mediator:
Presented by: Up A Notch Learning Inc.
Located in Alberta, Canada – Serving families globally ————————————————– We are an e-learning platform delivering free resources and affordable course content to families who want to become informed and empowered in their journey through separation or divorce, and to be reassured with the tools to thrive in two homes. Our Founder and CEO, Stephanie Dobson, is our content creator and has helped families for many years through the divorce process, helping them create a positive divorce story. ————————————————– JOIN FREE today to access all of our free resources and affordable course content that will help you become a healthy, thriving family after divorce – in one easy-to-navigate platform – https://membership.upanotchlearning.c…

Love Your Child More Than Hating Your Ex with Dr. Larry Waldman
January 17, 2022
In this episode, Dr. Waldman talks about the importance of marketing your private practice. Challenge yourself to promote your practice once a day. By the end of the year, some type of marketing will stick. Plus, Dr. Waldman speaks about utilizing the internet for your private practice marketing. Later, we talk about the various ways to increase your income. Dr. Waldman reveals how he grew his income significantly in his practice, allowing him a comfortable retirement.
Virtual Private Practice Marketing
The most significant trend in private practice marketing is the internet. A lot of young clinicians are finding value in marketing on the net. If you can get in front of a group of potential referral sources and speak knowledgeably to them, that’s the best marketing in the world. They will view you as an expert and refer other clients to you. Marketing in private practice is more about helping people find you. Then, you need to know how to help them once they find you. The internet has completely turned the private practice marketing world upside down. People have to know who you are, where you are, and what you do.
Earn Passive Income As A Therapist
Therapists do noble work. They save marriages, and they protect people from suicide. Therapists deserve to be compensated appropriately for their work. Dr. Waldman started to develop passive streams of income. He earns income when he isn’t sitting in front of clients. One of the ways to build income is by writing books. The first book that he wrote is titled Who’s Raising Whom? A Parent’s Guide to Effective Child Discipline. That book is still generating passive income for Dr. Waldman. In fact, you can find a copy of it here: Dr. Waldman provides a simple, step-by-step process using basic behavioral Psychology to teach parents how to manage and modify their children’s behavior more effectively.
Increase Income Through Real Estate or Public Speaking
Another way to increase your income is by public and professional speaking. Typically this type of gig is on the weekends and after hours. Luckily, it won’t interfere with the hours of your private practice. Plus, you can sell the books at those speaking events. It’s a great marketing tool for your private practice as well. Another way to increase income is by buying your own building. Dr. Waldman has nine renters in his building. He makes money from their rent. That way, when Dr. Waldman isn’t working, he is still making money. Then, he uses that money to purchase other real estate investments. Now, Dr. Waldman is comfortably retired.
Are You Trading Your Time For Money?
Unfortunately, the majority of clinicians out there is trading time for money. They only make money when sitting in a chair and a client is in the other chair. You can make a decent living doing this type of work. If you trade time for money, there is only so much time to work. The people who become wealthy are outside of this dynamic. You have to monetize your time. One way to do this is through group work. That way, six patients can be paying you instead of one. Some clinicians only do group work, you will be making a pretty penny, and it certainly beats the one patient per hour dynamic.

Love Your Child More Than Hating Your Ex with Dr. Larry Waldman
June 24, 2021
In this episode, hosts Alan and Susan are joined by counselor, Dr. Larry Waldman, who works with families, blended families and children. Being in a blended family themselves, a lot of the discussion Alan and Susan bring up focuses on Dr. Larry Waldman’s work with counseling divorced people who are getting into a new relationship. The discussion moves through finances, parenting and determining how much to involve your children. Dr. Waldman illustrates his points by recalling various clients he has helped over the years.
The first half of the discussion does focus more on negative issues surrounding second marriages and the blending of families. To shift direction, Alan uses the second half of the interview to push the discussion toward positive suggestions Dr. Larry Waldman can give to listeners. All three share stories about how children are a lot brighter than many believe, especially how intuitive they are. At the end of the episode, Dr. Waldman shares the titles of his books and his website, which has a lot of solid information available. You can also purchase his books from his website.

Moms Moving On: Navigating Divorce, Single Motherhood & Co-Parenting.

In this episode of The Healers Café, Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND, chats with Dr Larry Waldman who is passionate about teaching mental health practitioners how to develop a successful practice and become an effective clinician. I am also very interested in teaching parents to parent and instructing therapists to help parents raise responsible resilient kids.
Highlights from today’s episode include:
Dr. Larry Waldman (09:00):
So hypothetically let’s say this child grew up in a home, which was chaotic. Let let’s say the, the parents argued frequently. Maybe mother perhaps was depressed herself and so on. And so therefore this child grew up in an environment where at any moment at any time something could happen, you know a pot could be thrown across the room. Somebody could have a temper tantrum, a door might slam or, and so on. And so the child then came to view their world as a dangerous place. And as a place that that could change on a dime where they have no control at that they’re insignificant and so on. Well, you can see if that’s what this child learned, and by the way, given their life at that moment, that’s not unrealistic. They have, an accurate view of what it was, what was going on, but what happens you see, as the child develops this life view and then carries it on into their adulthood.

Dr. Larry Waldman explains why most relationships fail. Turns out, we date backwards. Tune in to find out what this means…and more!
My podcast guest, Dr. Larry Waldman, spoke about why most relationships fail, and how to forge healthy relationships. He’s a clinical forensic psychologist who consults, teaches graduate counseling courses, speaks professionally on parenting and relationships, and writes articles and self-help books on those topics. His books include “Who’s Raising Whom?” “Coping with Your Adolescent;” “How Come I Love Him But Can’t Live with Him?” “The Graduate Course You Never Had;” “Too Busy Earning a Living to Make Your Fortune?” “Overcoming Your Negotiaphobia;” and his latest book, “Love Your Child More Than You Hate Your Ex: What Every Divorced Parent Needs to Know.”
In this episode of Last First Date Radio, you’ll learn:
- How you can love someone and not be able to live with them
- What it means to date backwards
- Why second marriages and most relationships fail
- How to argue effectively
- How to foster healthy relationships

My name is Eran (pronounced “Eh-Run”). I’m a Clinical Psychologist from Israel, where I live with my lovely wife and two adorable (though nerve-wrecking at times) kids. I consider myself a family man and being a parent is actually one of the most important and meaningful things in my life.
In my work as a psychologist and parenting counselor, I deal a lot with parenting issues and working with parents is a favorite of mine. That’s because I believe that raising kids is one of the most amazing things a person can do. A role that gives so much to so many – your child and yourself at first but also the rest of your family and environment.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, and I’ll be the first one to admit: parenting is also a really tough job.
Welcome to the 20th episode of The Apparently Parent Podcast!
Now for today’s episode: I had the honor of having a discussion with Dr. Larry Waldman, a clinical psycholgist from Phoenix, Arizona, for this one. Larry is a seasoned practitioner, with a track record of 45 years of practice, working with children, teens, and parents.
In this episode, Larry and I talk about the psychology of learning, and who it applies to parenting. He focuses on what children learn from your behavior towards them as a parent, and how you can use that knowledge in order to get more cooperation and reduce stress during the day.
And while I found myself not always agreeing with everything he had to say, I had a fun conversation nonetheless, and I’m happy to bring it to you guys. Hope you’ll enjoy it.

With over 30 years of experience as a divorce attorney, Hindell Grossman, founder and principal of Grossman & Associates, Ltd. shares her wisdom and experience with those considering or in the middle of the divorce process. Inside Divorce demystifies the world of divorce and family law, giving listeners the fundamental tools to navigate what can be the hardest transition of their lives: divorcing. Popular topics include how to time a divorce, how to choose a divorce attorney, dating after a divorce, and talking about money with your partner.
E0039: Inside Divorce with Dr. Larry F. Waldman
Hindell speaks with Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP. Dr. Waldman is a clinical forensic psychologist in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of several books, including Love Your Child More Than You Hate Your Ex: What Every Divorced Parent Needs to Know. Dr. Waldman and Hindell discuss the experience of divorce from the perspective of the child, and Dr. Waldman provides some tips on supporting children emotionally through the divorce process.
Produced in collaboration with David Benjamin Sound
Music by Micah Jasper

Episode Description
Dr. Waldman is a recently semi-retired licensed clinical, forensic psychologist in Phoenix, Arizona. He conducted a highly successful private practice of 45 years working with children, teens, parents, couples, and adults in a solution-focused manner. He also consulted with family, personal injury, immigration and estate planning attorneys. His BS in Education/Psychology was from the University of Wisconsin; his MS in School Psychology was from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; his Ph.D. in Educational/School Psychology was earned at Arizona State University; and his Diplomate (ABPP) was received in 2003. Waldman was the past president of the Maricopa Psychological Society, the Director of Psychological Services for Charter Psychiatric Hospital of Glendale and was an “Official Guide” (top expert) on Parenting for He continues as a Medical Consultant for the Social Security Office in Phoenix, an adjunct graduate professor in the Counseling Department for the University of Phoenix, and serves on the professional advisory board of Stepping Stones of Hope, a charitable organization serving children whom have lost a parent. Waldman is the co-chair of the Early Career Psychologists Committee with the Arizona Psychological Association (AzPA).
He is also certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) as a (senior) fitness specialist.
In addition to numerous articles which have been published in the local Phoenix media and in the national press, Waldman has (thus far) written seven books: Who’s Raising Whom? Coping with Your Adolescent; How Come I Love Him But Can’t Live with Him? The Graduate Course You Never Had; Too Busy Earning a Living to Make Your Fortune? Overcoming Your Negotiaphobia: Negotiating Through Your Life; and Love Your Child More Than You Hate your Ex. Dr. Waldman trained as a public speaker. His signature presentations are: The Business of Private Practice—The Graduate Course You Never Had and Teaching Parents to Parent. He has made over 150 paid presentations in his career to attorneys, chiropractors, psychologists, family therapists, counselors, social workers, school psychologists and school counselors. To the community Waldman speaks on parenting, marriage, stress, depression and anxiety, wellness, grand parenting and psychotherapy. He also is a seasoned podcast guest. His seminars are organized, practical and entertaining—offering “edutainment.” In this episode we discussed:
Welcome to the 20th episode of The Apparently Parent Podcast!
In this episode we discussed:
· Parent Training through reinforcement
· Making the behavioral school of psychology translatable and relatable to parents.
· What is reinforcement?
· The Sleeping Dog Philosophy
· What is the child learning?
· Parental time and attention.
· Addressing Inappropriate Behavior than Appropriate.
· Contingent Time Following Appropriate Behavior.
· Important Rules of Reinforcement.
· Setting a contingency.
· Resilience
· Be specific with your child.
· Timing and reinforcement
· Immediate reinforcement
· How much time are you dealing with inappropriate behavior?
· Your kids are living what they are learning.
· The negative attention trail.
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