Silver Sex: Insights into Senior Sexuality – By Dr. Larry Waldman
Like it or not, seniors are having sex—or they should be!!
Dr. Waldman confronts the myths and ageism associated with senior sexuality—which, unfortunately, many seniors accept. Psychological, medical and lifestyle deterrents to senior sex are discussed with insights and corrective options offered. The issues of senior dating and retirement, as they relate to senior sexuality, are reviewed. Finally, finding and receiving help is outlined.
- Paperback: Format: 6 x 9 Black & White Paperback, 119 pages
- Publisher: Outskirts Press (Jul 19, 2024)
- Language: English
- ISBN10:1977272894
- ISBN10:1977272894
- ISBN13:9781977272898
Press Release
Discover a Groundbreaking perspective on senior sexuality with Dr. Larry Waldman’s latest book—“Silver Sex: Insights into Senior Sexuality.”
In his compelling book, Dr. Waldman challenges the long-held myths and ageism surrounding sex in later life. He confronts the often-overlooked and misunderstood topic of senior sensuality with a unique blend of psychological, medical and lifestyle insights. As life expectancy increases and societal norms change, Waldman asserts that seniors are—and should be—engaging sexually. The book is both a revelation and a call to action, providing practical advice for overcoming barriers and enhancing sexual well-being among “boomers.”
Waldman explores various aspects of senior sex, including psychological deterrents, medical issues and lifestyle changes. Actionable solutions are provided. In addition, related topics such as senior dating, relationship issues, dealing with adult children, and alternative forms of intimacy are reviewed with practicality and sensitivity. Finally, Waldman encourages seniors to reject ageistic pressure and retain their sensuality.
Waldman is a semi-retired clinical, forensic psychologist whose career spanned over 45 years in Phoenix, Arizona. He provided solution-focused therapy to hundreds of children, parents and couples. He also was an expert witness with respect to family law, personal injury, medical malpractice, and estate planning cases. Waldman continues to instruct graduate therapy courses, speak professionally to mental health associations and to the community, coach early-career clinicians, write articles and books (this is his eighth), guest on podcasts and conduct yoga practices (earning his yoga certification at age 77). Waldman and his wife (Nan) of 53 years enjoy international travel.
For more information go to Amazon or Outskirts Press. Dr Waldman can be contacted at:
602-418-8161; lfw@larrywaldmanphd.com; or TopPhoenixPsychologist.com

The Graduate Course You Never Had – 2nd Edition – By Dr. Larry Waldman
Neither at collegiate or post-graduate levels are future and current mental health care professionals given guidelines on how to effectively – and profitably – run a successful practice using proven business principles. Highly-successful psychologist Dr. Larry Waldman’s latest book, The Graduate Course You Never Had, fills that void. He covers all aspects of growing a profitable business.
- Paperback
- Publisher: UCS PRESS
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9780943247946
Recent Book Review: The National Psychologist Newspaper Summer 2021
An Essential Guide To Running A Practice
“The graduate Course You Never Had; How to Develop, Manage and Market a Flourishing Private Menatl Practice,” second edition, by Larry Waldman, Ph.D., (2021), 144 pages, Outskirts Press, $19.05 paperback.
Review by Kurt Malkoff Ph.D.
coming soon

Love Your Child More Than You Hate Your Ex. What Every Divorced Parent Needs to Know – by Dr. Larry Waldman
Children are the silent victims of the incredible US divorce rate that hovers at about 50%. Divorced parents must strive to put aside their hurt and anger and first address the emotional needs of their kids.
In this book the following topics are addressed: Why I wrote the book; How do we form our relationships; Why marriages fail; Why second marriages fail at a higher rate; How to foster a healthy union; What divorce looks like to the kid; A healthy divorce; Parenting through divorce; and Finding the right counselor.
“A magnum opus is not made in a microwave; it is incubated and nurtured. This book is a synergy between Dr. Waldman’s many other works. The heart and soul of this effort is to protect our most valuable natural resource (our children) from more needless damage. Thank you, Larry for the privilege of reading your manuscript.”
—Dr. Karl Riem, Psychologist (Retired)
“Dr. Waldman’s book on divorce is a guide on what to do and not to do when contemplating a divorce. Reading this book and following his guidance, could prevent parents from making mistakes that will impact their children’s lives and future relationships in a negative manner. It will also assist parents in answering their children’s questions and concerns, before and during a divorce in a constructive manner. I wish I had this information when I was on my divorce journey, it would have prevented a number of mistakes on my part.”
—Cary Silverstein, MBA Professor Emeritus, DeVry University / Keller Graduate School of Business
“Dr. Waldman’s published articles fit very well within his exhortation that we consider our children and their well-being over our own selfish interests in situations of marital difficulty or divorce. Anyone who has worked as a child mental health provider has witnessed some of the scenarios he outlines in this book for us. I enjoyed the reading, and found the pace quick, and the material provocative.”
—Stephen D Bailey, Ed.D., Licensed Psychologist HSPP, Child/Geriatric Neuropsychologist
“This book is great and covers so many important issues. Every couple contemplating or in the middle of a divorce should carefully read each chapter for insight into avoiding mistakes and putting the children FIRST.”
—Linda Feldman, Director of Family Education Bureau of Jewish Education of Greater Phoenix
- Paperback: 102 pages
- Published: March 15, 2020
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1977211739
- ISBN-13: 978-1977211736

Who’s Raising Whom – by Dr. Larry Waldman
What sets this classic child-raising book apart from other parenting books is Dr. Larry Waldman’s ability to tell you why your child is misbehaving–then, step-by-step, in easy-to-understand language, he tells you how to use proven methods to reverse that behavior. Over 24,000 families have been helped by this book. It is the next best thing to having eight one-on-one counseling sessions with Dr. Waldman. This is a new edition — and 6th printing — of a book previouly sold mainly at Dr. Waldman’s resource table at his seminars and speaking engagements. The book cover is possibly the most appropriate graphic ever designed for a parenting book.
- Paperback: 160 pages
- Publisher: UCS PRESS (April 21, 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0943247292
- ISBN-13: 978-0943247298

Coping with your Adolescent – By Larry Waldman
Packed with useful discussions and actual case history examples to help you better cope with your teen(s). No matter how good or bad your parent-to-teen relationships are, by following Dr. Waldman’s advice your relationships can be improved. This book helps normal families to function even smoother, It will help you understand your teen’s behavior, and to successfully cope with situations.
- Paperback
- Publisher: UCS PRESS (Oct 31, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9780943247168

Overcoming Your NegotiaPhobia: Negotiating Your Way Through Life
– By Larry Waldman
Whether you are negotiating your first salary, a curfew with your teenager, or a new living arrangement with aging parents, Overcoming Your NegotiaPhobia will provide you with the skills you need. Each chapter looks at different life situations and, using real-life examples, shows you how to successfully address them. No longer fear having to negotiate—instead feel prepared, confident, and in control.
- Paperback: 206 pages
- Publisher: UCS PRESS (Oct 31, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN – 13: 978-1537768809
- ISBN – 10: 1537768808

How Come I Love Him But Can’t Live With Him? – By Larry Waldman
Anyone who is married, whether a newlywed or veteran of decades of marital bliss, and anyone engaged or about to become engaged will find a treasure trove of valuable information and tools in this book. Dr. Waldman’s Nine Rules for a Good Marriage are priceless. If you already have a solid marriage, what you will learn from Dr. Waldman will help you and your mate make your marriage even better!
- Paperback
- Publisher: UCS PRESS (Nov 1, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9780943247175

Too Busy Earning a Living to Make Your Fortune? – By Larry Waldman
Your Keys To Personal And Financial Success:
Study, learn, and put into practice the psychology revealed by Dr. Waldman and you will be equipped to achieve your life goals. The knowledge to do this is within these pages. But it is up to you to put that knowledge to work.
Are you up to it?
In this, Dr. Larry Waldman’s fifth book, he tells step-by-step how to achieve life goals by using accepted tenets of the four schools of psychology:
Biological, Behavioral, Cognitive and Analytic.
He uses the same easy-to-read style he established with his acclaimed child-raising classic Who’s Raising Whom? A Parent’s Guide to Effective Child Discipline. Like that book, in this one he gives many anecdotes from actual case histories to illustrate his points.
Those who study, learn and put into practice the psychology revealed by Dr. Waldman will be equipped to achieve their life goals. The knowledge to do this is within the pages of this book.
- Paperback
- Publisher: UCS PRESS (Apr 23, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9780943247649
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